martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Tattooing Tips

Are you sure you want a tattoo?
Before you get a tattoo you have to be sure you really want one. It is a difficult process to remove a tattoo and is very painful. There is also a good chance it can get infected.

Choosing the tattoo artist.
Be sure you know who is going to tattoo you. It isn't a good idea to get a friend or someone who is unexperienced to tattoo you.

Tattoo studio.
When you enter the studio make sure everything looks clean and hygenic. Apart from this, needle buckets, germicidal soap, disposable needles and gloves are also needed. 

5 comentarios:

  1. I think these are good tips we have to have in mind before making a tattoo. The hygenic is the most important thing.

    1. You have to be careful with what you do to your body!

  2. I think is true, you have first to know what tatto you like becouse sometimes is very hard or impossibles to removed it(:

  3. I agree that being tattooed is an big decition as this can't be removed. That is why I wouldn't do that. I have also heard about people getting infected with hepatitis which is horrible , so of course hygiene is ineludible.
